Monthly Archives: May 2012

New My Courses Block

It has always been an inconvenience for instructors to have to go to two different places to access their Moodle courses.  They could go to their My DCCC Courses block to access “live” courses.  However, they would have to go to My Dashboard or their profile to access courses that are not available to students.  This could include past or future courses.  We have now found a solution whose settings will allow for both of these types of courses to be accessible to instructors or supervisors in one block.

We have replaced the My DCCC Courses block with a block called My Courses.  It will look very similar to the old one.  There are a few differences though.  See the new block pictured below.

My Courses Block

You must click on the small plus sign to the left of the folders to see the courses inside the folder.

My Courses Block

Then you can click on the actual name of the course to enter the course. This is much like the old block.

With this block, users should not have to go to their My Dashboard to access any of their courses.  We know that the My Dashboard page can take a while to load, especially for those who are listed in a lot of courses.  Keep in mind that the My Dashboard link will not go away.  If you prefer to use this, you will still have access to it.